XNR Sisbi Приложения

VetCalcs - Vet calculations 1.2
XNR Sisbi
VetCalcs provides several calculations thatvets, farm technicians and farm owners need to use on a dailybasis.Designed to be simple to use and with a cool interface.Calculations available:- Average daily gain (ADG)- Feed conversion ratio (FCR)- Mortality (%)- Quantity of product to inject- Quantity of product to administer on feed- Quantity of product to administer on water- Days and weeks between production events- Fluid therapy (cats and dogs)- Energy requirements (cats and dogs)- Farrow date calculation (swine)- Repeat dates (sow heat)- much more to come...Can't find the calculation you need? don't worry, just send itto us and we'll add it
História fixe 1.0
XNR Sisbi
História Fixe é um aplicativo educativo sobretemas da História de Portugal.Se te atreveres a testar os teus conhecimentos... tens à tuadisposição um divertido jogo de perguntas e respostas (Quiz) sobreos temas incluídos.Incluído nesta versão:Dinastias do reino de PortugalReis do reino de PortugalCronologia detalhada do reino de PortugalHistória da expansão portuguesaJogo de perguntas e respostas (Quiz)Não te esqueças que podes ajudar este projecto a crescer, sabecomo dentro da aplicação.Atreves-te a descarregar?Secure History is aneducational app on topics of Portugal's history.If you dare to test your knowledge ... have at your disposal a fungame of questions and answers (Quiz) on the topics included.Included in this release:Dynasties of the kingdom of PortugalKings of the kingdom of PortugalDetailed chronology of the kingdom of PortugalHistory of Portuguese ExpansionGame Questions and Answers (Quiz)Do not forget that you can help this project grow, you knowwithin the application.Dare you download?
Stock Controller PRO
XNR Sisbi
Stock Controller PRO (SCP) is a cloud-based inventorymanagementplatform created for users that need a simple yeteffective way tomanage inventories. With SCP you can: - Associate aBill ofMaterials to a product, - Define multiple product variations(bycolor, size, etc.), - Manage user access to warehouses, -Manageproduct batch/Serial number, - Manage invoice payments, -Createand manage orders and... much more!Checkhttps://www.stock-controller.com/ for more information onthisplatform.
Stock Controller - inventories 5.2.1
XNR Sisbi
Need to manage your business inventories? This is the right app foryou.